
CDR-Stats is a rewrite of a very mature application previously named Asterisk-Stat, which has been in existence for over 7 years.

CDR-Stats is now in it’s third incarnation, and this version features CDR Mediation and CDR rating.

Out of the box, CDR-Stats supports Freeswitch, Asterisk, Kamailio, SipWise, Veraz, and other switches can be easily be supported in the future such as Alcatel-Lucent and Cisco.

For a full list of the currently supported switches, please refer to

  • How it works: – An overview of the architecture of CDR-Stats, and how it interacts with other systems.
  • Beginners Guide: – A step-by-step guide with automated install scripts, taking the beginner from operating system installation through to analysing their CDR.
  • Features: – A comprehensive list of features, and the benefits they provide for CDR-Stats users.
  • Full Documentation: – Complete documentation on the entire system, including developer reference guides, API descriptions, installation overviews, and much more.